A Stream Parallel Algorithm of the Mersenne Prime Search Problem; 梅森素数分布研究是数学中的一大难题。
The direct optimization method based on the mixed integer linear programming is proposed to solve the very involved nuclear power plant loading pattern search problem. 本文尝试使用直接优化方法求解核电厂换料优化问题。
Based on univariate cubic B-spline interpolation, a new algorithm to solve one dimensional search problem and the numerical results are presented in this paper. 基于一元三次B样条函数插值,给出了一种求解一维搜索问题的新算法和数值实验结果。
Search problem in the presence of false target 出现伪靶时的搜索问题
The linear search problem ( LSP) is also called the lost-cow problem, which can be solved by linear spiral search. 直线搜索问题也被叫做迷失的奶牛问题,解决这个问题的算法叫做线性螺旋搜索。
An improved network model and the corresponding search algorithm are proposed to resolve the resource search problem of P2P-based media streaming systems. 针对P2P流媒体系统资源定位问题,本文提出一种改进的P2P无结构网络模型及相应的搜索算法。
So this search problem can be viewed as a combination and optimization process with complicated constraints and a lame searching space. 这个优化过程是在大空间搜索和具有许多复杂约束的知识背景下进行的。
A High-efficiency Realization Way of the Shortest Path Search Problem in GIS Field GIS领域最短路径搜索问题的一种高效实现
The reliability of system is improved and the cost increase few using the 1+ 1 protected method.+ 1. The time cost of binary search reaches the lower bound of the search problem. 采用1+1保护式的方法,使得整个系统在硬件成本增加不多的情况下,提高了系统的可靠性和安全性。
Research on the Search Problem in Peer-to-Peer Network Peer-to-Peer网络中文件查询的研究
This paper abstracts the data process of oil refining data into a directed graph search problem, describes the search method and its implementation. 本文将炼油生产中油品贮运的数据处理问题抽象成带权有向图的搜索问题,通过有向图的权值搜索及权值求和完成油品贮运数据的处理。文中给出了处理方法及其实现。
Practice shows the proposed method is simple, stable, and can be used for process information search problem quickly. 实践证明,该方法简便、稳定,能快捷地处理信息搜索问题。
In this paper, a new gene learning algorithm for optimum search problem is proposed, which extended the binary population based incremental learning ( PBIL) and selfish algorithm ( SA) by allowing a gene's allele to be multi valued. 在PBIL(populationbasedincrementallearning)算法和自私基因算法的基础上,提出一个新的优化搜索算法&基因学习算法。
To shorten the convergence time, the optimal search problem of disparity map is converted to an iterative convergence process of bi-valued neural networks. 为加快收敛速度,该算法将视差图的最优搜索问题转换为二值神经网络的迭代收敛过程。
The proposed algorithm converted the range-domain matching problem to the nearest neighbors search problem in the sense of shape feature. The search space is reduced greatly, so the encoding time is considerably less than that of the baseline fractal encoding algorithm. 该算法将Range-Domain块匹配问题转化为在形态特征意义下的最近邻搜索问题,大大减少了搜索空间,从而大大加快了编码速度。
A Solution to a Sort of Special Static Search Problem 一类特殊静态查找问题的解决方法
A Key Establishment Protocol Based on Conjugacy Search Problem in Clifford Semigroups 基于Clifford半群上共轭搜索问题的密钥建立协议
A quantum computer allows for more efficient solution of some problems, for instance, the unsorted database search problem and the prime-factorization problem. 量子计算机可以更有效的解决某些问题,比如:对无序数据库的搜索问题和大数质分解问题。
The proposed algorithm converts the range-domain block matching problem to the neighborhood search problem in the sense of cross trace. 这个算法把RangeDomain子块匹配问题转化为叉迹意义下的邻域搜索问题。
Study the global search problem for CAD models based on face shape-location codes and implement a global search algorithm based on the shape descriptors. 研究了面形位编码的CAD模型整体搜索算法,并实现了基于形状描述子的CAD模型整体搜索算法。
Found that the most dangerous slip surface search problem is actually solving the problem of the minimum of the Multimodal Multivariate Functions in the feasible region. 发现在确定了安全系数计算方法的前提下,最危险滑动面搜索问题科以转化为求多极值多元函数在可行域上最小值问题。
Solution of the model is not dependent on the problem itself but from the global space search problem the optimal solution. 解该模型的算法为一种不依赖于问题本身而从全局空间出发搜索问题的最优解。
In the strategy of the path search, the thesis uses genetic algorithm to solve the path search problem, and ultimately get a shorter single-vehicle path compares to most of paths. 在路径搜索的策略上,利用遗传算法来实现路径搜索,最终得到了较短的单车辆路径。
Based on this idea, this dissertation proposes document topology model, including undirected document topology and directed document topology and converts the similarity search problem of document into graph search problem. 基于这一思想,本文提出了文献拓扑图模型,其中包括无向文献拓扑图和有向文献拓扑图,将文献的相似性搜索问题转化为图搜索问题。
Originally, people tried to solve Similarity Search problem by finding the Nearest Neighbor ( NN) of the query object and proposed a lot of indexing methods based on Branch and Bound techniques, which have good performance in low-dimensional space. 最初人们通过查找查询对象的最近邻(NearestNeighbor,NN)来解决相似性搜索问题,提出了系列在低维数据空间表现良好的分支界限算法。
Mass data search problem is the difficult problem in mass data processing. 海量数据搜索问题是海量数据处理的难点问题。
We study dynamic scheduling of FMS and the optimal path search problem of Automated Guided Vehicle in the flexible manufacturing system. 对FMS调度问题进行了深入的研究,包括FMS动态调度和FMS调度中自动引导小车路径寻优两个问题。
This framework converts the harder content based image and video retrieval problem into an easier text search problem. I2T框架将比较困难的基于内容的图像/视频检索任务转换为比较简单的文本搜索任务。
For the individual monster path-finding problem, this paper uses the grid-based path-finding, which can effectively solve the path search problem with guaranteeing to find the best path between any two points. 对于单个怪物的寻路,本文使用的是基于网格的寻路办法。基于网格的寻路方法可以有效地解决路径搜索问题,它可以保证在任何两点之间都能找到最佳路径。
Genetic algorithm is a general algorithm to solve the search problem, it can be used for a variety of common problems, but it may be too early to converge to the local best value. 使用智能优化算法对时序预测模型进行优化,遗传算法是解决搜索问题的一种通用算法,对于各种通用问题都可以使用,但存在可能过早收敛于局部值的缺陷。